About the festival

What is the Reiefestival?

The Reiefestival is a triennial multidisciplinary arts festival organised for the first time in 2023. For three days, it connects the history and heritage of Bruges with contemporary performing arts.

The next edition of the festival will take place in August 2026, along various locations on and around the canals of Bruges. Each edition will have its own theme. The theme of the second edition will be announced in February 2025.

Open call

The Reiefestival focuses on new creations selected through an open call. The open call is aimed at professional artists and creators. They can draw on an inspiration text, compiled by Bruges heritage organisations, where the theme is explored in more depth each time. The open call for the second edition of the Reiefestival in August 2026 will be launched in February 2025.

Who is involved?

The Reiefestival is an initiative by Brugge Plus, in collaboration with Concertgebouw Brugge, Cultuurcentrum Brugge and KAAP, and supported by the City of Bruges.

Team Reiefestival

Organiser Brugge Plus

Brugge Plus is the organiser of the Reiefestival. The non-profit organisation grew out of the non-profit organisation Bruges 2002, Cultural Capital of Europe and brings culture to all residents and visitors on behalf of the city of Bruges, in a hospitable atmosphere and with an eye for sustainability. In this way, we help strengthen the city’s positive image as a contemporary, inclusive and dynamic city of culture.

The activities of Brugge Plus are mono or multidisciplinary and take place in public spaces. The organisation of the activities is always based on the core values of quality, participation and sustainability. We organise social and cultural events and projects at (inter)national, regional and local level.

Events range from music, circus to contemporary arts. Cirque Plus, Feest in ‘t Park, Uitwijken, Film op het Strand, Lichtfeest Lissewege, Iedereen Klassiek, Krikrak, Wintergloed, Gouden Boomstoet and Triënnale Brugge adorn our calendar.


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Follow the link below to order tickets for one or more Reiefestival performances.

While booking, please check that you have chosen the correct performance, day and/or timeslots.