Pro Gratia Recepta is dedicated to everyone who would like to thank someone for help, healing or comfort in times of pain and suffering. This may be a deity, a fate or a living being. People from all sorts of faiths and cultures express this gratitude through votives, or ex votos, inscribed with the words “pro gratia recepta”, which means “for the grace received”. During this creative workshop you are invited to explore all the different forms of votive objects that have existed through the ages and all over the world. You then set to work making your own ex voto using the materials and tools provided. Finally, you are welcome to offer your ex voto during the ritual procession along the canals. A mysterious and universal figure, neither god nor mortal, unconnected to any religion or culture, receives the offerings and carries them on her journey through the historical heart of the city.
With the support of Erfgoedcel Brugge, Cultuurcentrum Brugge, Musea Brugge and ‘t Naaldeke